Special Event: Baroque Workshop Play-In | June 13
Calling all Baroque instrumentalists (strings, winds, brass, recorders, pluckers, percussion and more)! Don’t just sit in the audience this BFX—let’s musick together! Join us for a play-in and reading session led by San Francisco Early Music Society's Baroque Workshop faculty member (and newest member of Philharmonia Baroque), cellist and gambist Eva Lymenstull.
There will be fun pieces suitable for all levels! Read through some consort, chamber, and vocal ensemble music (on instruments), with a particular focus on finding and bringing out the music's rhetorical essence. Meet new friends, bring along some old friends, and come get that summer workshop feeling at BFX. Get a taste of what it might be like to spend an entire week at an early music camp (hint hint)!
All proceeds benefit the SFEMS Workshop Scholarship Fund, and refreshments will be served.
One harpsichord will be available for keyboardists to share. Pitch level will be A=415. Music will be sent electronically in late May, and you will need to print your own scores and parts.
If possible, please also bring your own stand—there will only be very a limited number of stands available.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
2300 Bancroft Way, Berkeley
This is a fully general admission event.
We suggest a price of $30 to attend this event. That said, anything is appreciated and if you can pay more, please do!